Friday, February 13, 2009

Blog Numbah 2 (pencil)

A.) I believe realistic art is any art that has moved from the imagination to the material world. Art that depicts something from the mind or nature i believe is realistic art.
B.) Plato defins good art as heavenly. He thinks that the only good art is in heaven and any other art is just attemptig to immitate the good art in heaven.
C.) Plato would say that Koon's work is nto to be considered good art but just an imitation. He might say that it is the best around, but still notgood art.
D.) Aristotle mostly agreed with Plato. He believed that the only good art existed in heaven where it was perfect. But, he thought that there was good art on earth, but just not the best. it was more or less choosing the better of two evils.
E.) I do not believe obscene art is a contradiction of terms because I think that art is just a form of self expression and if someone is expressing themselves, I don't think that can be contradictory.
F.) I think that if a sexual image were to be considered more obscene than images of violence or extreme wealth or sickness would depend on what each of the images looked like and what emotions they created.
G.) I believe that Jim Holyoak's art resembles my art because I feel that he tried to protray self expression in his work. He seems to somehow change each of the images to make it his own. It doesn't really relate to my subject much, but not alot on this site does. As for style...most of the work he does isn't as crisp as mine.

1 comment:

  1. write more on each answer. you have the start of good answers but need to explain more.
